Although it is common to understand consulting services by areas (Production, Supply Chain, Commercial, Support, R&D&I, etc.), at Improva we are convinced that it is the reality of each business that determines the intervention model that we can carry out. Therefore, our departments develop completely innovative services designed to achieve major transformations in organizations. Here are our most daring proposals.


Customer Centric Operations

Companies that work for the end consumer are accustomed to conducting numerous customer understanding exercises, but what about B2B companies? CCO is a proprietary methodology that allows companies to understand in depth the needs of the different areas of their enterprise customers and work to orient all their operations towards total customer loyalty.

Technology for Excellence

Excellent organizations carry out their processes in an organized and agile way to achieve their objectives. At our disposal we have management technologies, digitalization, data evaluation, robotization, sensorization and industry 4.0. But we must never lose sight of the fact that technology is not the end, but a means to excellence.

Workforce 4.0

The post-COVID era has changed the way organizations work. Presenteeism tendencies have suffered and we need more and more autonomy in the different layers of the company. This new reality brings to the table the challenge of managing online training, teleworking, networking and communication. It is necessary to transform people.

Mobility Business Unit

The mobility sector is changing by leaps and bounds. Where once everything revolved around private ownership, we now find fully multimodal mobility trends oriented towards mobility as a service (MaaS). In this line we work with manufacturers, distributors, operators, smart cities and all types of mobility players.

Energy and Sustainable Business

Sustainability has gone from being an almost stylistic discourse to a technical necessity in the development of our activity in order to endure over time. Consumer trends, regulatory developments and the evolution of our world are pushing our businesses to measure their environmental impact and reduce it. It is not an expense, it is an opportunity.

Product Life end to end

Companies' drawers are full of great ideas that will never see the light of day. Bringing a product to market requires understanding its life cycle and enhancing it from its conceptualization to its withdrawal. We accompany our clients in their innovation processes, market analysis, development and launch, VAVE optimization and portfolio management.